Thus work for women, married or single, was not only approved, it was regarded as a civic duty. 所以已婚或单身女性工作不仅是许可的,而且被认为是公民的义务。
The government, after all, can do the thinking for us. Our sense of civic duty to engage in public debate and critical thinking is lost except unfortunately for issues that affect our pockets. 很不幸的,正是这种想法使我们失去了作为公民应有义务参与辩论和深入分析问题的责任感,除非有关的课题会影响我们的口袋,我们才会有所反应。
Andrejs Salaks, an accountant, says it is a question of civic duty. 萨拉克斯是一名会计师,他说,这是公民义务的问题。
Many lament that young Italians feel little sense of civic duty. 许多人抱怨称,年轻的意大利人没有公民责任感。
The explosion of volunteerism was hailed as a watershed moment for civil society in China, a country where civic duty and social responsibility have long taken a back seat to personal achievement and the accumulation of wealth. 志愿精神的兴起被视为中国社会的一个分水岭,长期以来个人成就以及财富积累成了人们追逐的目标,而公民义务和社会责任没有得到应有的重视。
Civic right and duty have both legal and ethical meaning. 公民的权利与义务既是实体法的意义,同时也具有伦理的意义。
I feel it is my civic duty to vote. 我认为投票选举是我作为公民的义务。
The researchers say these changes raise questions about the civic duty of public education. 那些研究人员说这些变化提出了关于公共教育的公民责任问题。
Civic duty? And you think you're gonna get away with this? 公民义务?你以为你跑得掉?
Saturn also rules over karma, cause and effect, ethics, and our sense of civic duty. 土星还规定了业,原因和影响,道德,和我们的公民责任感。
Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom. 我们的公共利益依赖于个人品格,依赖于公民职责、家庭纽带及基本公平原则,依赖于将我们引向自由的无数的默默无闻的高尚行为。
It's my civic duty to report it, don't you think? 报警是我的公民责任,你不认为吗?
Volunteers through participating in volunteer work, have the opportunity for the society, made-in-hong-kong do us a civic duty and obligation. 2 it is abundant life experience. 志愿者通过参与志愿工作,有机会为社会出力,尽一份公民责任和义务。二是丰富生活体验。
Empowers people to fulfill their civic duty. 准许公民去行使他们的公民权利。
The Americans are stuffier and more cautious. But they are also more careful and take the idea of journalism as a civic duty much more seriously. 美国人更为自重和谨慎,但他们也更加细致,并且更为严肃地认为新闻是一种公民责任。
It's not only a hard earned right, it's also your civic duty. 这不只是辛苦得来的权利,也是你的公民责任。
In April, they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 top-range cars a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s, restaurants, car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number. 今年4月,他们将开始每周抽奖,每年将送出60辆顶级汽车,以奖励那些履行公民义务向咖啡厅、餐厅、汽车维修车厂等企业索要含有其个人税收号码的发票的消费者。
She felt it was her civic duty to give the police the names of the youths who had vandalized the bus shelter. 她觉得把那些破坏公共汽车候车亭的年轻人的名字告诉警察是她作为市民应尽的责任。
More recent theorists have suggested that voting confers the "psychic benefits" ( also known as a feeling of well-being) of performing a civic duty. 最近的理论家认为投票履行了公民义务,会带来一种“精神福利”(也被称为幸福感)。
It's our civic duty to plant trees. 植树是每个公民的义务。
Capricorn rules over professionalism, leadership, goals and aspirations, success, civic duty, public recognition, and earning the respect of our peers. 摩羯座统治在职业化、领导、目标和志向、成功、公民义务、公开公认和收入我们的同辈尊敬。
The Jack Russell Cross is a civic hero now, having gone well beyond the call of canine duty. 罗素梗串已超越他狗狗的本能,是我们心目的英雄。
On Civic Right and Duty 论公民的权利与义务
Therefore, civic duty to build modem democratic society names civic right, and to carry on the right is the duty for citizens. 社会主义国家承担的义务同时也是公民的权利,所行使的权利也是公民的义务。
In the Constitution, the constitutional re-education through labor system is based on the norms of civic duty. 在宪法方面,劳动教养制度的宪法依据是关于公民义务的规范。